Documentation generation

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Documentation > Developers


1 - Get ready
2 - Compiling documentation
3 - Adding a new page

Get ready 🔗

You will need the following tools to design your plugin:
  • The git software
  • SBT, the Scala Building Tool
The first step is to clone the github repository for OpenMOLE :
git clone
In order to generate documentation, openMOLE need some libraries. Into your recently cloned openmole folder, call these three commands to compile libraries:
git lfs fetch
(cd build-system && sbt publishLocal)
(cd libraries && sbt publishLocal)

Compiling documentation 🔗

You're now ready to compile the actual documentation. Move into the nested openmole folder and run sbt to generate the website:
cd openmole
sbt buildSite
The generated site is visible by opening openmole/openmole/bin/ in your browser !

Adding a new page 🔗

Scala documentation file are located into the bin folder bin/
cd openmole/openmole/bin/
For this example, we try to add this current page "Documentation Generation" to Developers. Into your favorite IDE :
  • open /org/openmole/site/Pages.scala and search the def developersPages entry
  • add this new compileDocumentation variable
lazy val compileDocumentation = DocumentationPage.fromContent(name = "Documentation generation", content =
After that, we add compileDocumentation to the pageNode corresponding to the "Developers" entry on the website:
def developersPages = pageNode(developers, Vector(console, pluginDevelopment, extensionAPI, restAPI, documentationGen))
Now, leave the Pages.scala file and create a new scala content file DocumentaionGen.scala into org/openmole/site/content/community/documentation/developers/. In this file you should add some headers:
//TODO Fix it after Scala 3 migration
import DocumentationPages._

object DocumentationGen extends PageContent(html"""

We add a new link to the list of pages using:
@li{How to compile and modify the @a("documentation", href := DocumentationPages.documentationGen.file)}